HL7 LATAM'S BIRTHDAY We celebrate 8 years

HL7LATAM emerges at INFOLAC 2011 in Guadalajara Jalisco Mexico, where

representatives of the HL7 chapters of Uruguay, Colombia, Chile, Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina decide to create a bulletin and a common trilingual website with the objectives of disseminating, promoting the HL7 standard, the interoperability of health systems in the region, stimulating and supporting the creation of regional chapters.

In the picture from left to right Ing. Fernando Portilla, Dr. Sergio Konig, Dr. Selene Indarte, and who writes to Dr. Humberto Mandirola.

Maybe we owe a self-criticism and analyze what happened and how to solve this situation. Meanwhile here is HL7LATAM helping, contributing our bit and we hope that soon those who are not and new chapters will be reborn.


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Receta electrónica Argentina 2024

¿Que tipos de Mensajes de HL7 hay?