Virtual course of Mirth Connect

HL7 Argentina has an important educational function at the moment it is concluding its fifth edition of the virtual course of Mirth Connect in Spanish, where we made an immersion in the universe of interoperability.

Mirth Connect is a multiplatform engine for HL7 that allows bi-directional sending of HL7 messages between systems and applications over multiple forms available, under the Mozilla license.

With the support of some web resources, we developed a series of guided exercises that show, through multiple examples, a model of good practice in the use of these standards.

Access to the material will be available for one year after it is finalized. It requires an average of 5 hours per week and does not have a fixed schedule, it is done and connected when possible.

At the end of the course, participants should: Know how to deal with a project that requires implementing an interoperability scheme between different health information systems. Know Health Integration Engines, utilities, elements they use, standards and their basic operation. As it was evolving, types of MC licenses available, technical support available and how to access the community of users. Configure Channels, ports, Connectors, routing, alerts, FHIR connector, and connections with RIS, LIS, HIS, PACS.

We are constantly updating the contents and improving our course and we invite you to join in the new editions.


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